Karen Jolley developed a strong sense of fairness as a child and has continued that passion with a strong desire to level the playing field whenever she identifies inequalities. She attended college for 17 years as a half time student at both CSU-Chico and HSU. She majored in Social Science with a full emphasis in Social Work, Health and Community Services, Multicultural Studies and Gender Studies. During this time she also took in pregnant and parenting foster teens. The last 15 years she has worked locally (Humboldt County) with parents who are challenged by cognitive delays.
As rewarding as that was, she knew she could offer more help to more people by presenting the Hoffmann Program. Karen was personally trained and certified as a qualified presenter and trainer by Lee Hoffmann PhD, founder of the Hoffmann Integration Processing Program. Before relocating to Eureka, she administered the program with great results to the general public in Chico, California.
Montanna Jones, is an experienced administrator, retired teacher, and a recent student at Saybrook Graduate University in the school of Mind-Body Medicine Ph.D. program in Healthcare Research. Her graduate work focused on research related to the Hoffmann Program and the different populations it might benefit. Jones is currently a General Partner in Happy Inner Prizes and a mediator with Humboldt Mediation Services (HMS).
Her educational history includes an M. A. in Women’s Spirituality from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology (2012) and a B.A. in Psychology from University of California, Berkeley (1972). Her work history included Executive Director of Humboldt County Rape Crisis Team (now Northcoast Rape Crisis) (1987-1990), school bus driver (1990-1995), and a credentialed public school teacher (1996-2009). In addition to teaching Seventh and Eighth Grade in the classroom, she was an Education Specialist for Mattole Valley Charter School and taught in their home-schooling program. In addition she received forty hours of training in crisis counseling, advocacy, and mandated reporting of abuse.
The nightmare has ended. Joy and pride have replaced her tears. She now knows she is smart and her test scores prove it.
The Hoffmann Learning Research Institute (HLRI), a 501(c)3 non profit, has established a research fund to support classes of the Hoffmann Program for children and adults in Humboldt County. Donations to the fund are tax deductible and will be used for Humboldt County participants only.
How will my donation be used?
A person donating to this project will have the option of designating their funds be used by a specific individual (on our waiting list or someone they name), by a specific area of interest (learning difficulties, ADHD, autism, etc.) or left to our disgression to use where needed.