If you would like to support this work, a donation will provide a scholarship for someone who needs the program. Our main concern is to help people and sometimes those who need it the most cannot find anyone to support their participation through a donation. Perhaps that could be you.
A person donating to this project will have the option of designating it for a specific individual (on our waiting list or someone they name), by a specific area of interest (learning difficulties, ADHD, autism, etc.) or left to our discretion to use where needed.
All donations are deposited in the Humboldt County Hoffmann Program research fund provided through the Hoffmann Learning Research Institute (HLRI). If you wish to claim the amount on your income taxes, please complete the Contact Us box above or call us at 707-497-9002. We need your name, contact information and the amount of your donation.
​Thank you in advance for supporting this work through a donation or spreading the word.