Parent and Participant Testimonials
"My daughter was about to be put on medication for her inability to concentrate when I first heard about Dr. Hoffmann’s program. I cancelled her doctor appointment and enrolled her. She went from a progress report of a “C” and the rest “D’s and F’s” to a report card six weeks later, of a “C” and the rest “A’s and B’s”. I still can’t believe it! She made the merit roll: a dream come true for her." Amy
"I believe this program is a gift from above. Homework used to be a real nightmare: the excuses, the whining, the crying, etc. Now when Sam gets her packet of homework for the week, she does it all on Monday. The nightmare has ended. Joy and pride have replaced her tears. She now knows she is smart and her test scores prove it. I see a lot more smiles these days and that warms my heart." Tina
"I put my grandson, Nathan, through the Hoffmann Program. It was the best thing I could ever have done for him. He had already been held back and was still struggling. Now school is not a stress for him and he is a happier child." Nancy
"My 79 year-old husband, a stroke victim, went through this program. He has since become much more stable on his feet and I no longer worry about him falling and hurting himself. His memory is better too." June
"She is less frustrated now."
"Before I put Katie in The Learning Enhancement Center, I was told she would be held back in the 2nd grade. She was in a pullout reading program for slow readers at the time. After completing Hoffmann’s program not only did she move on to 3rd grade but her reading test scores were in the 70th percentile. She is less frustrated now."
After a month in our program, a 17 year-old student got into his mom’s car and started crying. When she asked why he was crying he said, “I’m not stupid”. He had truly believed this and spent a huge amount of his energy trying to hide it from everyone.
"I can't tell you exactly what has changed since I took the program. I can say that everything I do seems easier." 89 year old participant
"Everything about school seems easier."
8 year old participant